GH code documentation (need function arguments information)

Hi community,

I’m trying to write code in Grasshopper. Could you please point to me to documentation of the function arguments, similar to RhinoCommons functions?

In R8, I no longer get the print out at the bottom of editor that tells me the function’s arguments, so I can only guess.

But now, I get this error, when the function (I think) is give correct arguments function without brackets, list of arguments, boolean (with default value)

Perhaps there is a new version of this function in a documentation, if it exists?

Many Thanks :pray:

If you print the __doc__ attribute you should be able to see the definition and input and output of the function:

But I would also really like to get back the automatic help view in the bottom of the screen. @eirannejad is this something that will be implemented or that can be activated somehow?

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@amoe Does the signature completion not pop up in your editor?


I was not aware it was supposed to look like that, great! Nothing displayed in my editor, but apparently my Rhino 8 installation was not running automatic updates. After following the steps described here ( Rhino 7 options: update page ghosted again - Rhino / Rhino for Windows - McNeel Forum) I was able to update Rhino 8. After the update it looks exactly like you displayed, thanks a lot! :smiley:

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Sweet! Thanks for updating, testing, and confirming here :smiley: Great to know it works