Getting data from GH_Panel

I have a Panel object into which I type a list of numbers, e.g.

How do I retrieve this list of numbers from the corresponding GH_Panel object? I used dir() in Python to list the object’s attributes but wasn’t able to identify where this data might be stored.

Also, the documentation doesn’t seem to have entries for GH_Panel nor many other built-in nodes like Param_Number etc. The Grasshopper.Kernel.Special and Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters namespaces do not even seem to be listed. Is this information on some other site?

AFAIK, yes, the documentation for the build-in Grasshopper components is missing. If you are wondering about how they work, best shot is decompiling the assemblies yourself. GH_Panel is shipped inside the Grasshopper.dll itself. Other components come in their own dedicated .gha files.

Just get some .NET decompiler like DotPeek and look into these paths.
...\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Grasshopper.dll
...\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components\...

Regarding your first question - GH_Panel implements the IGH_Param interface and therefore has VolatileData property you can use to iterate over current values.

Eg. in ghPython:

panel = ghenv.Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0]
for item in panel.VolatileData.AllData(False):
    print item

This works flawlessly. Thanks!

Thanks for the tip about decompiling with DotPeek. However, I can’t seem to decompile the GHA files in the Grasshopper\Components\ directory like CurveComponents, MathComponents etc. Were you able to decompile these assemblies?

Notably I am trying to find which assembly is the Move component located in. Printing the component’s type shows me LinearXForms.Component_Move. However there doesn’t seem to be a LinearXForms.gha, only a XformsComponents.gha. I’ve tried instantiating XformsComponents.Component_Move but that doesn’t seem to be correct.

Edit: Nevermind, did some googling and it turns out you have to rename the extension to .dll before decompiling!