Geometrygym BullAnt Steel Sections

I am trying to draw a simple steel structural section using a GeometryGym BullAnt steel section catalog.
Error message is:
“Library BullAnt by Geometry Gym Pty Ltd may not be used yet.”

Is there a way/plan to activate BullAnt in Shapediver?
If not, is there an alternative other than inputting by hand/json all the section dimensions (height/thickness…)


The BullAnt plugin doesn’t work on ShapeDiver at the moment but we plan to support it in the future. In the meantime, you can use the Cross Section Range Selector component from Karamba3D plugin. Find demos, sample models and more information on Karamba3D web site and our blog:

Hi Pavol,

Great to hear about BullAnt.

I did try Karamba as well in fact. But I got this error:
“Component Generate Cross Section Table (Karamba3D) may not be used”
Anyway it would not be as nice as BullAnt which draw a full profile with radii.


Does this error appear on upload? Could you share a screenshot?

I just tested upload of a Karamba3D model with a free account and I didn’t have any problems. Please check that you installed the supported version, see the list of supported plugins:

Hi Pavol,
It looks like I am using the 1.3.3 which is supported.
See attached def and error.

It looks like you are using Rhino 7 which is currently supported only on our test system but major upgrade is coming soon. Could you open your definition in Rhino 6, re-save and re-upload?