I’m frequently in a situation when I have to generate lots of simplified buildings on terrain models. I extracted the roof points from a LAZ file using CloudCompare and now I want to generate some simple solids using these points. Does someone have an idea how to best tackle this?
I projected the points to the ground and made a line from the roof to the ground. Is there a way to interpolate a solid using many curves or something? Like some kind of bounding box? The bottom face could be made flat and intersect with the ground (reconstructing points with lowest Z).
Did you get anywhere with this?
I see cloud compare has 3DMACS plugin but I’m not sure it’s easy to train machine learning like in the article posted above.
I’m interested in processing LiDAR data and how to automatically create buildings and trees but it looks quite complicated!
Not with buildings, but I am actively using LiDAR datasets to generate sometimes tens of thousands of trees with correct heights and decent positional accuracy in Unreal Engine. I’m using R Studio with the lidR package to extract tree positions and heights, which i then import as a data table into UE and generate trees with PCG.