Hi guys,
I found a very weird behaviour opening a gh definition from 0.9 to the gh 1.0 on rhino 6.
The gene pool component fails to collect data, it took me a while to understand that the problem ( i think) is in the overall definition not on specific component, if I test the components individually included the Gene pool, everything is working fine. Using a series of slider instead of gene pool solved the issue by the way.
I made a short video to explain the problem.
I wonder if this kind of behaviour could happen on any of my rhino 5 gh 0.9 files when I open them in gh 1.0 on a rhino 6 ? Any similar experience from gh 0.9 to 1.0 components? https://global.discourse-cdn.com/mcneel/uploads/default/original/3X/b/1/b1894cef0f1d774ba18f51847ddb0b082cdc30cb.mp4