GCon error on an edge

V5 - V8.0.23297.13303, 2023-10-24
Starting with the face in the file at Dual tolerance option in Rhino? - #51 by Rhino_Bulgaria

  1. _UntrimAll
  2. _DivideAlongCreases _SplitAtKinks=_Yes _SplitAtTangents=_Yes
    Results in a 2-face brep.
  3. _DupEdge the curves on the sides that were split.

GCon test.3dm (67.2 KB)
is the result with the wires in colors referenced below.


When _GCon is used on any of the 4 combinations of the green and blue wires or their source edges, the results are the same as expected.

However, doing the same on the red and orange side:

GCon (red wire to orange wire) or (orange wire to edge under red):
Curve end difference = 0.0000000 millimeters
Radius of curvature difference = 201.0746323 millimeters
Curvature direction difference in degrees = 0.9951493
Tangent difference in degrees = 0.0000000 (or 0.0000009)
Curves are G1.

GCon (edge to edge) or (red wire to edge under orange):
Curve end difference = 0.0000000 millimeters
Radius of curvature difference = 0.0000000 millimeters
Curvature direction difference in degrees = 0.0000000
Tangent difference in degrees = 0.0000000
Curves are G2.

Hi Steven - thanks, I see that - Extracted isos near the edge behave like the duped edges.

RH-78419 GCon discrepancy


RH-78419 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 2 Release Candidate