Fx naming parts nested in a block

Hi All

Im been trying to work out how one can create leaders of individual parts nested in a block when generating a layout.

So lets say I have parts labelled one, two and three. I then block some and that block is now names Set. I go to the layout using leader I point to each of the parts and name I want to use the Fx function and annotate each part. Trouble Im finding the Fx function does not identify nested parts.

Thank you

Hi Ian -

In just Rhino, you can’t.
That feature request is on the list as RH-57021 TextField: Retrieve attributes from a block definition

You can do something like this with native components in Grasshopper…

Leader with Attribute from Block.3dm (2.1 MB)
Leader with Attribute from Block.gh (14.2 KB)

Hi Wim

Thanks for the assistance unfortunately Im not sure how this works.