FREE Webinar: RhinoArtisan

RhinoArtisan is hosting a Webinar (maybe with a 10% discount on their software).

Got this from their LinkedIn profile

:date: Webinar Details:

  • :spiral_calendar: Wednesday, January 24th.
  • :clock1030: 7PM Central European Time.
  • :alarm_clock: One hour, featuring an engaging Q&A Session.

:dart: Who Should Attend:
This webinar is designed for jewelry designers, manufacturers, store owners, and anyone enthusiastic about the world of jewelry design. No matter your expertise level or the tools you use, there’s something for everyone!

:computer: How to Attend:
Ready to immerse yourself in the artistry of jewelry design? Register for this FREE and insightful webinar.


We’re excited to have you join us for this inclusive event! :tada:

(If you made it this far, here’s a small treat for you: We’ll have a surprise inside the webinar you surely don’t want to miss)