Free Form Wall, RH to RVT

Hello everyone,

I’m actually pursuing a Master in BIM in Paris and I’m working on the interoperability between Rhino/GH and Revit/GH.

Basically the idea is to create a Rhino / GH freeform wall (variable depth), import it into revit so it can host doors, windows etc.
I’m conscious that it is a little tricky, but I think that once you solve this kind of problem, it opens the important door between Rhino/GH and RVT/DYN.

First operation:

I installed ggrevit plugin (developped by Jon Mirtschin) in Grasshopper and Revit
I tried to export a simple wall (made out of visualrq), through your plugin (add-in > import IFC) and it works. The ifc wall is recognized as a revit wall. I can put doors, windows on it etc.
When I try with a free form:

I used the add solid command (from visualarq). I added a solid to my wall. In Rhino I can put a door, window etc. (like on video
I export that wall in IFC file
I open it through your pluggin, I get this error message (XXX representation item #64 not generated! ifcpolyline) and it transforms my visualarq IFC geometry into an ugly mesh.

The other solution was to import the faces from rhino in order to use the wall by face revit command. It works as long as the imported shape is in SAT, but it just gives a curved wall instead of our variable depth wall. Moreover I dont like importing manually stuff into revit. I’d rather work with flux or mantishrimp but I’m not sure at what extend this operation can be repeatable.

Do you have an idea of what would be possible to improve this operation?

All the best,
