.flt and .osg formats

Good afternoon,

I am investigating Rhino3D to be our modeler for a flight simulator. The simulator runs on openscenegraph and runs .osg .ive or has a good converter for .flt(open flight) formats. We need a way to definde socalled LOD or level of detail and DOF (degree of freedom) nodes. Would Rhino be a good choice and could it support this?


Hi Oli - Rhino does not support these formats. What is it that you’d be modeling, the plane or the terrains, or?


Airplanes, vehicles, houses and terrain from GIS data.

I see - well, I’d say modeling the objects is a good task for Rhino, and the terrains with some help, say from RhinoTerrain or Lands Design.




Hello Oli,
Can you post an example of these file types? While @pascal is correct, I’d be curious to see the format. As I understand it, you’d need rhino to export these formats?

cessna.rar (116.5 KB)

Here is an example Fraguada.

Thanks! From a quick look at the file, it seems pretty standard stuff. You have an array of vertex, their normal vectors, and an array of what seems to be faces which implement these vertices. This is a human readable file format which seems pretty straightforward. All of the data which is contained within this file could be extracted from a Rhino model. There is a provided Rhinocommon SDK template from which you could base an export plugin: http://developer.rhino3d.com/guides/rhinocommon/installing_tools_windows/#rhinocommon-templates
There are many similar formats such as .stl, .obj, etc which have similar data structures.

Thank you for taking a look at this, how hard would it be to create an exporter from Rhino?

This depends on the types of objects you want to export. Are you always exporting meshes, or do you also need support for point clouds/points, curves, lights, text, etc?

Without knowing too much about the software which will import, I do not think it is a question about effort, it is more a question about time. Technically, it is very possible. I think all of the tools and information are there, it is just a matter of studying the format and your objectives.

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Yes the format supports DOF (degree of freedom) nodes, that define a pivot point on a object and minimum and maximum rotation for that object.