I would like to deform a polysurface so that one side becomes flat. The attached example is for an insole. The grey insole is before flattening and the red after (I used cage edit for a crude approximation of what I am after). The bottom surface should become perfectly flat as it will be CNC milled.
I’ve tried many combinations of smash, squish, etc. with flowalongsurface without much luck. This page seems to suggest squish might eventually be able to do it on its own. What is the status of this? Any other suggestions on how to go about this?
Hi Sam - try this - ExtractSrf a Copy of the bottom surface - rebuild to a more reasonable density, like 30 or 50 by 10, say. CageEdit the polysurface using this surface as a cage - SetPt the thing in World Z to zero - it might take a while to calculate because the polysurface faces are so dense, but it should get you there - I think…
It would probably work better using a new surface that matches the bottom but is not pinched in at the corners.
@samlochner, try this file - Flow your object from the upper to the lower surface and see how close it gets to what you need - I’ve adjusted the target surface, having flowed just the border curve to the surface (for speed’s sake) so that at least it is near the same length, so flowing the polysurface should fit that exactly - it will take a while to complete.
Thanks guys. Looking at your surfaces, Pascal, it occurred to me that I could use a plane for the flow-to surface rather than trying to use squish to get there. This combined with rebuilding a flow-from surface and I’m able to get some pretty good results. I imagine I’m loosing a fair bit of accuracy and this only comes close because the insole is fairly simple on the bottom, but I think it may be good enough for what I’m trying to do. Here it is, for your interest.
I hope future versions of squish will be able to handle solids
Hi Jordy- I edited the target surface in length by scaling the surface points more where the original is curvey and little or not at all where the points from a flatter/more parallel to the cplane area. In width I scaled all of it, but only slightly- in short, I made it up as I went along and took guesses as to where the changes ought to be made- I suspect Squish on just the bottom surface might help provide a good target shape for adjustment, but I did not do that.