Finger tip grip half moon dugout what steps to skin it?

oh that feeling of sheer helplessness.

Not sure how or what to do next in this ‘fingergrip’ to get it skinned,

the other profiles would be generated by the use of the profile as it follows along the two top rails.

Getting that to ‘run’ is not happening for me though.

Once skinned I can extend it and make a cutter, then Boolean Difference out the shape from my solid object.

Can someone complete it and show me the steps.
Finger grip

Here is the basics.
Finger grip hollow.3dm (37.1 KB)

I have gone for a 90deg bend at bottom of profile. Perhaps a filleted bend there might be better.



Finger grip hollow-oneway.3dm (2.3 MB)

Fixed your curves a bit and Sweep2Rails, plus one planar surface and Join.

Hi Steve make a Revolve of the section of this shape and BooleanDiffernce it from the larger bit.

The filleting and what you intend there is not clear to me…
Maybe this-
Finger grip hollowMaybe.3dm (143.7 KB)


Wow that was a quick reply Helvetosaur, like fishing and the fish took the bait as it hit the water :slight_smile:
Is that two ways to do this,
and which is the simpler ?

here is what I then did with it (first post from Helvetosaur).

Firstly good job I have V8 installed, even if not used it once yet.
(see other post)

export as V5.

Cap Planar top, dupEdge and join the top, extrude upwards a solid, union the two,
use for Boolean Difference, get manifold warning,
do again as surfaces and join. ok this time.

boolean diff the shape from my solid.

attached the result.

so Helvetosaur, you made the back wall as planar fill, and swept the curve using the bottom of that and the top curve ?

I need to study Pascals a bit more.

Finger grip hollow-oneway V8 exp as v5.3dm (806.2 KB)


Hi Steve - if it is really meant to go from rounded to a hard corner in the middle, do it Helveosaur’s way.


Hi, Ok.
tricky to tell from the photo, I went for hard corner but its 50/50 choice.

However I then copy paste the cutter to my project, and it will not boolean difference, yet it did in the forum file.

I then copy paste the full swing arm out and try it in the forum file, and it warns of needing to double tolerance, and works.

Now why should that all happen.

Also its a simple shape so why double tolerance, and why should that not be necessaey on the exact same area, with the arm chopped off for simplicity.

It just doesnt make sense, but adds another 20 mins onto workflow, it worked then it failed, same item, same distances etc.

here it is with the simple and full arm.

using V5.
Finger grip hollow-oneway V8 exp as v5 fails in project.3dm (1018.0 KB)

Tolerance in project is .0001 units (inches), just checking and thats surewly enough, this is a dumb cut, nothing gets simpler than this.

I try again and it flatly refuses to work.


Hello- from the picture I’d imagine that the thing was made by cutting directly into the metal with a grinder or similar roatating tool. If there is no reason not to I’d assume this easy and obvious starting point and make it all with revolved surfaces, extended slightly as in my example file so that it fully intersects the stock and be done.



Hi Pascal,
yes you are right, come to think about it, I will revise my cut accordingly.

Not sure why that simple boolean failed in the one file and needed tolerances doubling in the forum post file.
