Wow that was a quick reply Helvetosaur, like fishing and the fish took the bait as it hit the water @Helvetosaur @pascal
Is that two ways to do this,
and which is the simpler ?
here is what I then did with it (first post from Helvetosaur).
Firstly good job I have V8 installed, even if not used it once yet.
(see other post)
export as V5.
Cap Planar top, dupEdge and join the top, extrude upwards a solid, union the two,
use for Boolean Difference, get manifold warning,
do again as surfaces and join. ok this time.
boolean diff the shape from my solid.
attached the result.
so Helvetosaur, you made the back wall as planar fill, and swept the curve using the bottom of that and the top curve ?
Hello- from the picture I’d imagine that the thing was made by cutting directly into the metal with a grinder or similar roatating tool. If there is no reason not to I’d assume this easy and obvious starting point and make it all with revolved surfaces, extended slightly as in my example file so that it fully intersects the stock and be done.