Filleting Tangent Surfaces

Hi @jim I’m using VS Code, and it wants the Print () as well.

Do you have a quick fix to make that change in the FilSrf_Join script? Or is it just a matter of going through the 103 occurrences of the Print command?


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I’ve created a revised version of that script that addresses the incompatible features of Python2 and Python3.

It kinda irks that Rhino users have to deal with this. It would not be that hard for McNeel to provide the means to update all Py2 scripts to Py3 so that users don’t have to do it. How would people feel if every new version of Rhino could not open files from previous versions?

Anyway I digress…

I don’t have a fix for the previous FilSrf_Join script, but I have a revised version of that script that is compatible with both py3 and py2. (75.1 KB)

The main difference in this script from the previous one (besides being py2 and py3 compatible) is that it accepts input from one polysurface as well as from two.

In other words, the script will make fillets for all connected tangent surfaces that are joined to the 2 input surfaces that the user clicks on to get the script running.
It will then trim and join the fillets to the base surfaces. If successful the result should be one joined object.
Generally, if the making of the fillets goes well the trimming and joining part usually does also.

To run the script you can use either:

-_RunPythonScript “[path]”
-_scripteditor Run “[path]”

The first works in Rhino6, Rhino7 and Rhino8
The second works in Rhino8 (as far as I can tell)


Fantastic, thx :man_dancing:t4:

Hi Siem, did you by any chance make any more SVG icons? This one is great, thanks

Just want to say this is awesome :slightly_smiling_face:

I did play with some of your previous versions, and hope someday to play with new ones, and maybe some plugins I can buy off you if the other devs don’t do it we’ll have to throw some money at ya :money_mouth_face:

There could be a fillet plugin on food 4 rhino by Jim :smiley: :beers:

I’m still trying to wrap my head around it cause I’ve been a fillet edge guy for a along time but filleting tangent surfaces definitely seems to make more sense :blush:


I am using the Rhino 7 SR35 version of the software, and it will indicate an error. How do you solve it?

hi @Bright_Hope
you need to use the right quotation marks:


and not

See also this part of the guide on how to work with scripts and plugins

Thank you very much Gijs de Zwart, I made it

bumping this thread so it stays on the radar for v9


Is it possible for McNeel to convert this script into a GHPython code, so it can be used in GH?