Fillet Problem & blendsrf

Hi all,

I am having the trouble with fillet again…
I tried with the blendedge function with multiple handles but the glass frame cannot be fillet even it is smallest amount.:frowning:
It keeps create extra piece of surface instead of filleting!
(The red arrows shows where it should be filleted on the frame, not sure if it is the problem of shape edges)

Another problem is that, I tried to use blendsrf to connect 2 solid as pic shown, however it doesnt work too. Is that I used wrong command so it cannot work?

It would be so grateful if anyone can help!!



blue-x2.3dm (3.0 MB)

you should use Jim’s example file of your previous thread about fillets. About working with clean curves, then clean main surfaces, then nice transitions.

Your initial surfaces are very heavy. Look at the cloud of CPs. Likely your initial curves were already of bad quality. Try to remodel all your curves with degree 5 or 7 and then build clean single-span degree 5 surfaces. Once you have obtained good quality surfaces that way, filleting becomes easier.