I’m having trouble with a project close to the finish. I have lofted 100 voronoi cells as shown in the pictures. Fileting the interior edges proves to be difficult. I am quite sure its a data tree managment problem that I cannot identify. I wanted to shift the tree until interior edges match to what is coming from the loft, but the lofts seem suprisingly undercomplex. I hope its something easy I am missing here and would appreciate your help.
Thanks in Advance!
Good morning @Devin_Can
If I have it right, I think that the Edges variable is actually looking for an integer. (1,2,3,4,6) = edges (1,2,3,4,6) Let me double check that this is all correct.
A list of integers corresponding to the sequence of edges from Deconstruct Brep ‘E’ output. Had you posted your GH file originally, I might have done more but it’s too late for me now.
So after finding a suggested way on another forum, Ive tried several methods, none of which seems to work. I cant figure out, why the Loft gives me Data with 100 branches, but BrepDec gives me {0;0} (x,x,x) formated List. this way the count will always exceed is my assumption. It feels like I am wrong on a very basic level. Help is still much appreciated.
Thanks in advance. ghhelpforum.gh (79.9 KB)
Here, this should work. Problem is… Your edges are not all filletable. Also, Deconstruct brep still gives you the edges, not the indices. The below should be close to what you are looking for.
I understand how it can be a little confusing. I made the mistake when first starting out also. It did seem a little counter intuitive that you could not plug Edges into Edges. GhHelpForumFillet2024.gh (81.9 KB)
Oh, closest point did the trick!
Thank you. I was wondering how I can crossreference the edges and the interiors I was able to find out. Funny enough “crossreference” didnt do the trick
Here´s a simple example that might give you some insights on how it works. There´s other ways to find the edges and understand the concept but I think that it will do more harm than good at this point.
The goal in the attached example is to add fillets just to the 4 top holes edges.
Thank you very much!
I will study it. I solved my problem by implementing a fillet to the curves which I lofted. That didnt work for some reason, when i tried it earlier, but now it works, so I wont think to much about it.
Finding edges will become an important skill anyways, so Ill look into it @kossatz !
Thank you @Joseph_Oster !
Yes, match text was also an option I tried. Not as sophisticated as your attempt, tho. Problem with this one was, that some of the lofts at the outer rounded corner of my project, had the wrong name for this to work 100 percent. This is so tricky, that I more than once thought about doing it manually. That I didnt pull through means, I most def need to learn the automagic