Fillet Edge isn't working

Hi there,

I have a 3D model that I created, and I’m trying to apply a fillet edge with a radius of 3. Unfortunately, I’ve encountered some issues, and it’s not working as expected.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance or guidance you could provide.

Thank you in advance!

Might help to upload the model.

try blend edge instead, otherwise as mentioned upload the file.

Help.3dm (126.1 KB)
Sorry for the late response here is the file

I’ve tried but it isn’t working…
Help.3dm (126.1 KB)

yeah i see, that is a tough nut because some of the fillets dont hit each other and it would have to extend to certain exact spots to close it up i assume, it might also be in combination because the surfaces on top go from concave to convex but i am not sure at all.

one attempt:

first use blend edge on those edges that work without issues, in this case i started with these edges

now use OffsetCrvOnSrf with the upper edges and use the blends as a starting point, you have to use extend on some of the curves so that they finish up with the edges otherwise they are too short. then trim the upper surfaces with the resulting curves off and blend surface.

extend these blends and scale 1d the previous blends that you can trim these surfaces with each other. i scaled the blends both sides here but you can just scale upwards which also works.

duplicate the boarder with DupBorder and project the upper one to cplane then offset it inwards by 6, explode the curve trim it nicely to clean it up then offset it outwards again by 3 which will give you a rounding.

use the resulting curve to trim the upper surfaces

now simply move the initial boarder down by 3 and trim the other edges then use BlendSrf on the entire edge, you can also blend each part separately if that helps you get things better under control.

i dont usually add a file but in this case it is kind of tricky.

tough nut.3dm (266.6 KB)


Thank you for your solution. To add a bit more context: chamfers, fillets and blends on surfaces that go from convex to concave are currently not possible, unless the adjacent surface is split at the exact inflection point.

adjacent surface not split: fillet failed

adjacent surface split: filled succeeded


Help-3_r3.3dm (4.2 MB)


_filletSrf R=200 (the green surface, to find inflection point)
_split (IsoCurve, Shrink) → the blue-violet-blue inner surface

_filletEdge R=3 does the job (to the right)


I don’t think I would ever come up with those commands you’ve used… Thank you so much for your help! Really Appreciated!

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Wow this is great another method and seems so simple yet so complicated! Thank you!

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