FILLET code adjustment

Is it possible to adjust this code to take two input curves (not one joined curve, and output just the FILLET curves (dont need the chamfer at all)

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Rhino;
using Rhino.Geometry;

using Grasshopper;
using Grasshopper.Kernel;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Data;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Types;


/// This class will be instantiated on demand by the Script component.

public class Script_Instance : GH_ScriptInstance
#region Utility functions
/// Print a String to the [Out] Parameter of the Script component.
/// String to print.
private void Print(string text) { /* Implementation hidden. / }
/// Print a formatted String to the [Out] Parameter of the Script component.
/// String format.
/// Formatting parameters.
private void Print(string format, params object[] args) { /
Implementation hidden. / }
/// Print useful information about an object instance to the [Out] Parameter of the Script component.
/// Object instance to parse.
private void Reflect(object obj) { /
Implementation hidden. / }
/// Print the signatures of all the overloads of a specific method to the [Out] Parameter of the Script component.
/// Object instance to parse.
private void Reflect(object obj, string method_name) { /
Implementation hidden. */ }

#region Members

Gets the current Rhino document.
private readonly RhinoDoc RhinoDocument;
/// Gets the Grasshopper document that owns this script.
private readonly GH_Document GrasshopperDocument;
/// Gets the Grasshopper script component that owns this script.
private readonly IGH_Component Component;
/// Gets the current iteration count. The first call to RunScript() is associated with Iteration==0.
/// Any subsequent call within the same solution will increment the Iteration count.

private readonly int Iteration;


/// This procedure contains the user code. Input parameters are provided as regular arguments,
/// Output parameters as ref arguments. You don’t have to assign output parameters,
/// they will have a default value.

private void RunScript(Curve C, double R, ref object A, ref object FilletCurves, ref object ChamferCurves)
// ......................................................
// shorter names for tolerances and some input descriptions
// ......................................................
var model_tolerance = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance;
var angle_tolerance = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAngleToleranceRadians;

Component.Message = "RIL 0.1";
Component.Name = "Chamfer Curves";
Component.NickName = "ChamfCrv";
Component.Params.Input[0].Description = "Joined curves";
Component.Params.Input[1].Description = "\"Radius\" for chamfer (defines the chamfer between from the ends of the input curve's).";

// ......................................................
// ......................................................
var curve = C.ToNurbsCurve();
var radius = R; // used to get the end points for a chamfer as well

// ......................................................
// Fillet and "explode" all joined curve segments
// ......................................................
var filleted_curve = Curve.CreateFilletCornersCurve(curve, radius, model_tolerance, angle_tolerance);
var filleted_segments = filleted_curve.DuplicateSegments();

// ......................................................
// ensure that we have at least 2 input curves
// ......................................................
if (filleted_segments.Length < 2)
  ChamferCurves = filleted_segments;

// ......................................................
// a new list to store fillets being replaced by chamfers
// ......................................................
var chamfer_curve = new List<Curve>();

// ......................................................
// a trick to indentify and adjust the for-loop for even
// or odd  number of curve segments
// ......................................................
var index_offset = 0;
var is_odd = IsOdd(filleted_segments.Length);
if (is_odd)
  index_offset = -1;

// ------------------------------------------------------
// Loop which replaces fillets with chamfers instead
// ------------------------------------------------------
for (var i = 0; i < filleted_segments.Length - 1; i += 2)
  // add original curves (non-fillet parts)
  chamfer_curve.Add(filleted_segments[i + 1 - index_offset]);

  // replace fillet curves with straight chamfers
  var chamfer = new Line(filleted_segments[i - index_offset].PointAtStart, filleted_segments[i - index_offset].PointAtEnd);

  // when odd number of input curves we need to explicitly
  // add the first curve segment
  if (is_odd && i == 0)

// ......................................................
// ......................................................
FilletCurves = filleted_segments;
ChamferCurves = chamfer_curve;



public static bool IsOdd(int value)
return value % 2 != 0;

// </Custom additional code>