Fairing a Network Surface where two edges meet

(to create a water-tight stem on a hull)
Can anyone assist with a better way to fair a surface into two side surfaces when they meet at a point.
Network surface (from Grasshopper) gets the closest and as you can see from the pics I am trying to get the surface to fair in the V direction (the vertical bow edges in this case)

Post a .3dm file with your input data and Grasshopper net.

This is what I would do in Rhino:

Do you have one surface for both sides or a surface on either side?
If one surface for both sides then use Split with the Isocurve option using the isocurve near/on the center to split the surface into two surfaces. Either use the Shrink option in Trim or the Shrink command to shrink the split surfaces.

Discard the surface on one side.

Turn on control points. Use SetPt to set the edge control points to the appropriate value for the center. (y=0 if y=0 is the center)

Mirror the surface.

MatchSrf the two surface with Tangency. Because of the symmetry tangency will result in tangency and curvature continuity.