Failed to connect diagonal points into a curve

Hi guys,

I have been learning the techniques from this video to create diagonal curves from the points on given curves

But I have hard time understand why it behaves the way it is in my script, and not selecting the second point on the second curve, third point on the third curve,…, like in the video has shown

connecting diagonal (17.7 KB)

imagine like this, given each single element in your original list, the component is trying to create a pair

a pair will exist if and only if the component is able to find both a starting item and a destination item

the starting element is potentially any item in the starting list
the destination element is the starting element to which is applied the path-offset offset you write in the text panels

in case there are elements for which a destination item cannot be found (the reason for that is Wrap Paths/Items = False) then a pair will not be created

so if you connect with a Line component all the starting items and destination items you’ll get this:

for each curve you have 41 points, and the component can find destination points for the first 40 of those (the last point of each curve will connect to nothing because the path offset would serch outside of the Data Tree, so a pair is not created for those ones)

connecting diagonal (19.9 KB)

NOTE: I didn’t watch the video. :roll_eyes: