Extrusions, Lofts and offsets from curve will not extrude as solid. Cannot Cap either

Hello again Brian, Thankyou so much for your help! That video was wonderful.

I realized that I couldn’t fillet the bottom edge of the pods because I had booleoned out the pods from the Shank, leaving a V which is revealed if I fillet the bottom edge.

I have rebuilt the shank so the inner surface of both the ring and the pods are flush. Is there a way that I can merge them together so that I could fillet the entire inner edge of the ring so that the shank and pods flow together? As well as remove the top half of the ring that intersects with the pod openings?

Also I am trying to make a Sphere sunk half way into the surface do an Array around the pods. I am trying to use Array Surface, but I cant think of a way to draw the control curve onto the surface. In hindsight I should have added the guideline in the 2D before I began. The spheres i have there at the moment are just place holders to give you an idea of what i am trying to achieve.

Rhino File:

Rhino_Ring__002.3dm (7.1 MB)

Thank you so much for your help again, it means a lot. I am quite new to Rhino, and thus keep running into problems i hadnt thought of. so I feel guilty that what was meant to be a thread to solve a problem has turned into a tutorial haha. I am learning alot though. It is greatly appreciated.