Extruding Curve perpendicular to surface question

Dear All,

I am new to grasshopper and please forgive me if my questions are simple / stupid. I am trying to extrude pentagon curves perpendicular to surface of icosasphere. Some of them are ok but some of them aren’t. I colored pentagons to blue. Where can I get their planes / frames? Which component can do this?

My other question is; how do you know every component which inputs and outputs with the other compatible ones? There are hundreds of, how do you chose or remember them? Is there a effective way to select them? Maybe should be component list which their suitable input and outputs so we can select them more easyly. Could you please advice me? Thanks in advance.

Question.gh (13.0 KB)

P.S.: Let me explain, how I created my definiton; I collected small definitons from this forum which is usefull my aim and connected them together.

Question_R_V1.gh (11.7 KB)

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Hi Kim, thank you very much for your help!