ExtrudeCrvTapered problems (please fix it)

So I`m trying to do your & Pascal way to use ExtrudeCrvTapered with a tiny depth and then use extendSrf (which doesn’t work over joined polysurface).

So using v8 ExtrudeCrvTapered with splitAtTangents turned off is bad because I can extend 500 separate surfaces joined into polysurface (too much time).

So I`m left with using ExtrudeCrvTapered in v7 (single surface as output) or using ExtrudeCrvTapered in v8 with splitAtTangents turned off.

In both cases, after doing the extension I try to split it into single spans to see if its true G1 or I do DupEdge on the back edge to see if that edge is full G1 ( I assume if the back edge & front edge will are G1 then is a big chance that surface is also G1).

So to split that surface into single spans I have a few options:

  1. use ConvertToSingleSpan in v8
  2. use ConvertToBeziers in v7 or v8
  3. use DivideAlongCreases in v8 or v8
    All those 3 commands which I try on the surface produced from the extension of small tiny ExtrudeCrvTapered will give me a similar output surface and the same G0 error between some patches.

Why should I use that single surface produced from ExtrudeCrvTapered after extension and pretend that is G1 if it’s not a real G1 in my opinion what is visible after using those 3 examples or after DupEdge on that surface where small curves are not connected with G1 in some points.

So my question is:
Is there any way to produce a tapered surface from G1 input and real G1 output where the real depth of it is about 30-40mm without recreating all blends or rematching almost all edges which in bigger projects could consume a few days? Next, after some corrections, it is needed to redo the same job for another few days. During those hours I questioned myself how could I do faster?

I could accept workarounds but which will give me G1 as a final and which will not force me to fix manually surface after surface on 500 surfaces.