ExtrudeCrv preview improvement with many/complex curves

In the attached, try running ExtrudeCrv Solid=Yes on all 1558 planar curves, say with an extrusion distance of 50…

In V5, it takes around 90 seconds here to generate the preview, during which time Rhino is unresponsive and you cannot enter the extrusion distance. Trying to pull the interactive preview is like being stuck in molasses. Once you are able to enter a value on the command line, it takes another 15 seconds to complete the extrusion.

V6 has improved significantly, only takes about 20 seconds to generate the preview… and the extrusion once the distance value has been entered is virtually instantaneous. So great improvement there… Thanks!!!

However, my non-optimized script without preview in V5 still does the extrusion from start to finish in 8 seconds flat… :smiley:

1558-Crvs2.3dm (639.4 KB)


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Hi Mitch - a little different results so far- about 17 seconds here, in V5, instant in V6… Not sure what the difference might be, maybe just the machinery?


Wow… dunno, machine here is pretty OK, i7 workstation with a Quadro 4000. Will try @home later with slightly newer workstation and GTX 780 video card.
Hmm, I don’t know what machine/drivers you’re using but i get about the same results here at home with V5… With V6, it does go faster here, but still about 10 seconds to generate the preview. :grimacing:
