Download Link: Extrude To Surface v1.0 | Food4Rhino
Extrude To Surface is a grasshopper component, created by me, that will allow the user to extrude 2D shapes to a boundary surface, where the top part of the extrusion takes the form of the boundary’s topology.
Version 1.0 has three inputs, but the first 2 are the most important ones:
1- Taper: the user can taper the top part of the extrusion.
The top part of the extrusion will maintain its topology taken from the boundary surface.
2- Offset: the user can offset the extrusion below or beyond the boundary surface. The top part of the extrusion will maintain its topology taken from the boundary surface.
3- Tolerance
Version 1.5::
In this update, I added the Cap input parameter, which is a Boolean value, that allows the user to cap the top level of the extruded geometry. The resulting output is the extruded 2D curves + the caps as separate objects.
Demo video for version 1.0:
Demo video for version 1.5: