Extrude Curve Question

Cartier Curves (Internet SVG LOGO practice).3dm (96.1 KB)

I’m trying to extrude those curves (an svg for a logo I found online) and I’m getting that error message.

When I try to do it anyway, it comes in parts, that is not something I want.

What do I do to correct that, in this one and in future ones?

Thanks in advance.

I’d run curveboolean on these curves 1st to correct the underlying error in the curves.

that error is telling you that there is a bowtie somewhere in the curves and it will create a bad surface.

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Hi Karma -

First run SelSelfIntersectingCrv to find the curve(s) that are self-intersecting, and then IntersectSelf to find the location(s) on those curves. You’d want to make sure they are fine while they are still planar, unlike in your file.

What do I do after seeing the Points of self intersection?

There was no effect, I think

can you post the curve? I’ll have a go at it-

The Rhino file is bellow the img, if that is what you’re asking?

FWIW, the .svg in Wikipedia is not very clean. I found a hi-res logo (.png) and used Vectorize

Logo.3dm (248.0 KB)

– Dale

Ah, thank you.
I will save that.

This is a site that vectorizes things? Usefull.
I won’t close the thread because I wanted to learn how to correct this kind of issue in-rhino, but thank you.


Vectorize is a free plug-in for Rhino that will do a raster-to-vector conversion on an image.

To install, run Rhino’s PackageManager command and search for Vectorize.

– Dale

Neat, thank you.
To use, [Insert] an imge and then write a Vectorize as a command?

sorry missed that… the curve is kinda messy-

if you flatten it and curve boolean the curve. to clean it up- then you can extrude it.

but… this curve is really messy. I’d rebuild it at the very least, or redraw it from scratch ideally. this curve will not pass Cartier’s style requirements if you are doing any work for them directly.

Alright, so, for a complete response:

To see the erros of the Curve, Wim sent a few commands to solve that.
To bypass the issue, Dale sent a plug-in
To solve it using raw Rhino, Kyle recommended a redraw.

I’d like to thank the three of them for every part of the solution.
It helped out a lot.


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