Extrude crv along crv vs sweep1 difference?

I have noticed that sweep1 is not reliable, it creates not accurate geometry. Simple planar profile curve swept along single curvature polyline creates shape which is quite inprecise unlike extrude crv which creates exact shape as expected.

testfileextrudecrvcrv.3dm (1.1 MB)

comparing both methods… you can try for yourself in the attached file there are two curves

Hi @ivan.galik
I believe you are running into floating point problems, as the geometries are 1322 kilometers from world origin and the units are set to cm with an absolute tolerance of 0.0001 units (in this case that’s 1/1000th of a milimeter). You could say that the huge coordinates (because of the extreme distances and tight tolerance) “use up” all the digits available, and therefore precision is lost. move the whole thing closer to W0,0,0 and it will probably work better.
HTH, Jakob

main problem i see is that despite larger coordinates one command works whereas other does not. incosistency.

I think i have found the issue. It was not far from origin rather than too large of angle tolerance setting…