I imported the point cloud data into the Rhinoceros software and created a NURBS surface. I have a point coordinate with the X and Y coordinates available, but I want to know that what is the Z coordinate for this point on the new created NURBS surface.
How could I understand the Z coordinate for a specific point with the available X and Y coordinates on the new created NURBS surface? When I moved on the mouse on the NURBS surface, it does not show me the Z coordinates during my movement on the surface.
You could create a vertical line from the x,y position and intersect that with the object to get a point. Selecting that point and using the What command will then give you the z value.
If the point that you are evaluating is on one of the points of the point cloud, you can sub-object select the point and run What on that directly.
Thanks for your guidance. How could I understand the exact coordinate of the intersection of the line with the NURBS surface?
When I draw a line and intersect it with the surface and choose the “point” option to draw a point and activate the “onsrf” and “intersection” option from the Osnap, I can just draw a point in near of the intersection and not just exactly at the intersection. How could I do that?
When I choose the “point” option to draw a point and activate the “onsrf” and “intersection” option from the Osnap, and define a X and Y coordinate in the common line, it just draw a point away from the defined X and Y coordinate!
I need the exact intersection of the line with the surface or I need to draw a line or point with the X and Y coordinate on the NURBS surface and give it back to me the Z coordinate of the defined coordinate.
Thanks for your response and guidance. When I type the “EvaluatePt” and activate the “onsrf” and “Osnap” options, it shows me the full coordinates for my mouse movement, but I could not type a X and Y value and give it back to me its Z coordinate. When I type a X and Y coordinates, it shows a point away from my defined X and Y coordinate with the related Z. I want the software shows me the Z coordinate of my defined X and Y coordinate.
How could I define a determined X and Y value by the option “EvaluatePt”, and give it back to me the Z coordinate of the specified coordinate, on the selected NURBS surface?