Externally Referenced Va Wall Objects not displaying with fills in Section And level Cut Views in a host Rhino project.
It seems to work as usual (hit and miss) with cplanes though.
Externally Referenced Va Wall Objects not displaying with fills in Section And level Cut Views in a host Rhino project.
It seems to work as usual (hit and miss) with cplanes though.
Section attributes will only show up properly in external reference files if you insert them as embedded and linked blocks. Check out this tip: How can I reference external files? - VisualARQ
If this is your case but you still don’t see the fills properly, please send us the involved files so we can take a look.
When I embd and link the external block, I can’t save the resulting project. I get this error message:
“Failed to Write 3dm Object Table.”
I’ve sent a link to the files. Please let me know if there’s any problem with accessing them.
Hi David,
Can you send the files with wetransfer.com? Dropbox is not working well for us