Did you try searching for Truss System on here? There are a lot of threads on it. Here is the simplest to get you started:
Have a look through the search results:
I mean from the way you asked your question I am deducting that you are an absolute beginner!? There are lots of helpful people here on the forum, but you need to be a bit more clear with your question and ideally already have something to work from, like a grasshopper file and screenshot of what you have done so far. It can also be hand drawing. It can be very little, but it makes it more likely you will get help, because it shows you already put some effort yourself.
Stuff like: What part of the truss system in the picture are you interested? How do you define where the truss system is? How tall is it? Will it be regular or irregularly shaped? etc etc.
But then you will find there is lots of help here if you are stuck.