Extend Polysurface With Continuity

I want to extend a polysurface from its edge outward and maintain curvature continuity with the adjacent surface. Extendsrf command doesn’t allow me to select the edge of the surface in order to be able to extend it.Screen Shot 2020-12-28 at 5.50.39 PM

Hello - you’ll have to explode the polysurface to be able to extend the faces.


Thank you. What’s the best method once I’ve exploded the polysurface to be able to extend all edges outward while maintaining curvature continuity? I have tried ExtendSrf but I am unable to select all edges, and if I select a single adge the command returns “Failed to extend. Nothing done.”

Hello - can you post your object? `ExtendSrf only works on one edge at a time but I’d like to see the ones that fail.
