I have been working on a tool to convert Rhino documents into Unity scenes, in which level of detail is handled automatically. With the release of Rhino7 I would like to support SubD objects, but I having trouble finding documentation.
Q1: How can I identify a SubD object. Is there a new object type?
Q2: The FBX exporter has added “SubdivisionLevel=4 and SubdivisionContext=Absolute” - what do these options do? (Specifically, how can they be used to create varying levels of exported mesh detail?)
The “levels” are not documented in great detail yet. But basically:
1 = Extra Coarse Density
2 = Coarse Density
3 = Medium Density
4 = Fine Density
5 - Extra Fine Density
Fine Density for example, when interpreted as an Absolute SubD display density, each SubD quad will generate display mesh quads in a 16x16 grid and each SubD N-gon will generate N*16 display mesh quads. When a SubD has more than 2000 faces, Adaptive Fine Density is reduced to adaptive Medium Density.
The level corresponds to the number of division of a quad axis, so coarse → 2x2, medium → 8x8 and fine → 32x32?
The context is either “Absolute” or “Adaptive” (and there are no other options)? (I have verified these two, but clicking on the command text does not reveal options for me.)