Exporting layer to sketchup tags

When exporting surfaces or meshes to Sketchup (rhino 7) the surface itself is exported to the desired layer/tag but the outline of the surface (apparently generated by the export) remains untaged. For larger models this is not practical. If you want to turn off a layer/tag in sketchup you do not want to see al the remaining lines.

The problem looks similar to the one reported here:

test1.skp (8.3 KB)
test2.skp (9.1 KB)
test3.skp (5.2 KB)
test4.skp (5.8 KB)

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Yep, same problem. I’d be relieved to see it fixed.

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@Erik_Beeren I wonder what the desired behavior is here. Are the outlines even useful? And if so, do they need to get the same tag as the objects they were created from?

Hi @Gijs,

The lines are not needed but are somehow generated. Perhaps sketchup needs them, I do not know.
But as they are there, it is very inconvenient they are placed on a different layer then the original geometry.

In the test I did, those lines cannot be deleted without affecting the geometry, they are the edges of the meshes.

@Erik_Beeren please also have a look at this thread Towards a 'Robust' Sketchup Exporter

and see if you agree with @ShynnSup that that’s the way it should be.

Hi @Gijs,

For us it would help if both edges and faces of one object are on the same layer/tag. So if the visibility of a tag is turned of, not all edges remain visible. What @ShynnSup proposes in point 4 and 5 could be a way to achieve this. If this was an option in the Rhino export I would use it. Another option is that the edges get the same tag as the surface. This would also be a nice to have option. As I understand this is the way our architects use sketchup now.


Note also point 2.

According to Sketchup best practice: faces and edges always go in untagged layer.

Could be, but nevertheless, having an option to put these edges on the same layer as the faces would be nice addition. For models with a lot of faces grouping is not always practical.

@ShynnSup @Erik_Beeren I think what would be helpful is if you you could make a basic rhino file and (matching, fixed) skp file that is the target result to share with our dev.

Also it is important that we reach consensus what is correct. So far it looks like what @ShynnSup has written down is the most sound solution.

Sure attached files below:

Test Model_SKP .skp (209.8 KB)
Test Model_3DM.3dm (3.1 MB)

There is not need actually. What would be the use of having faces and edges be on another layer rather than ‘Untagged’ layer?

If you are working with groups and components, which probably you are as there is no other alternative in Sketchup, those groups and components are the ones that get assigned a layer, not the geometry inside of them.

You can check the model I have uploaded and see to understand it better.

That test file does not contain any blocks.

I’m exporting a lot of blocks to be used as SketchUp components and I always have to create the blocks in an imperial Rhino file. Maybe that procedure could be optimized in the future.

Hi @ShynnSup

I agree for a part. As we export models with a lot of faces, it would be very unpractical when each face is saved as a group. Then something like: “all faces on the same layer/tag are put into one group”, should be an option.
0000TWA.skp (505.4 KB)
0000TWA_x.3dm (2.3 MB)

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yes, I see how that would become a problem.

I see this, once I gathered all info needed for the exporter I will log that.

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I don’t understand why you need your objects to be exploded in faces? Instead of being a closed solid?

But don’t mind me, the more flexibility the exporter has the better to be honest :slight_smile:

@Erik_Beeren there is something I don’t get. If I export your rhino model to Sketchup, all layers you’ve made end in groups and edges go to untagged. This seems what’s wanted, I can uncheck untagged and hide these edges. In your Sketchup model however, hiding the edges also hides part of the model.

@ShynnSup In your list of requirements, you state that all edges and faces go to untagged. What are faces? In your example file, your edges are not on the Untagged layer, and I do not see any faces on the Untagged layer. If I export your model, the edges do end up on Untagged.

I’m attaching both files here. Maybe a better question is, what is wrong with these files?
Test Model_SKP_gijs.skp (110.8 KB)
0000TWA_gijs.skp (433.7 KB)

If possible share a simple, minimum Rhino file with all the features that need to go into Sketchup, and a Sketchup file that comes right out of Rhino + Sketchup model that is modified to how it needs to be.

In GIS models there are not much sollids. More surfaces or meshes.

Hi @Gijs,

In the sketchup model I attached, I have put all the edges on the same layer as the faces they belong to. So if I turn off a certain layer/tag, also the edges of this object are turned off. In the video below the left volume shows what is happening now when we export to sketchup, in the box on right site is what we want to happen.

You are using the free web version that has no control over untagged, right?

I use it just to test it, but the architects at our office use sketchup pro. They came up with this question.