Exporting bitmap from closed curves/hatches

Discovered what seems to be another bug on the Mac version of GH when trying to run the above script -

Using either of the overload methods for CaptureToBitmap that take in (bool, bool, bool) for hiding the grid and axes, results in a NoneType instead of Bitmap being returned. (No exception is thrown by the method itself.)

view = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Find("Top", False)
bmp = view.CaptureToBitmap(System.Drawing.Size(480,640)) # works fine, returns Bitmap
bmp = view.CaptureToBitmap(False, True, True) # returns None
bmp.Save(...) # oops, AttributeError

I have to use Python for this, because C# on a Mac can’t work with System.Drawing.Bitmap as reported previously here:

Not sure if related or if it’s a problem with my installation…