Exported OBJ UV Map broken in 8.16 and 9 WIP

Tested today in 8.14 and Rhino 7 - works with these version.

Reimported OBJ UV mapping

UV Edit 2.3dm (982.7 KB)

thanks @Czaja for reporting.
writing up a YT for this…

@Czaja I don’t see things working well in 8.14 either, but in a different way:

The above result is also the result you get in 8.16 when Mapping Z to Y is OFF

Workaround to export a correctly mapped OBJ:

  1. Extract the rendermesh and export that instead.
  2. Set Mapping Z to Y setting OFF

So what I can see these are basically two bugs, of which one was already in earlier releases.
RH-85534 Export OBJ: Mapping is not preserved
RH-85535 OBJ export object rotation