Export to .stl

Having an issue with an exported file. I have used this command much and have not seen this one.
using cmd. export selected to .stl (new file extension). but when opening the saved file to Rhino or another stl viewer it clips the radius from the solid part. (see ‘clipped radius .stl’ pic).


Are you able to post the model for review? It looks like maybe a bad fillet or blend that resulted in some naked edges and/or holes, causing the .stl to generate without that radius.

You could try the ShowEdges command, and click the Naked Edges option. This would highlight any naked edges for you.

I’m happy to take a look at the file, though, if you are able to post it.

How much of the file would you like me to include?

I basically created the exterior curve. extrude planar curve then cut the ovals and mounting screw holes from the extrusion.

just that one part would be fine, if that is the only piece that is failing.

Here is the part that I am looking to convert to stl

Frame Stand Side.3dm (312.1 KB)

in this case it could work to convert the lines that define the object to a polyline that serves your need and then extrude. then you already have meshlike object that is easy to export.
TEST.stl (1.3 MB)

Thanks for the update. I will try a one time extrusion.

To add, in your original mesh settings, I believe the cause (one possibility) is the “Maximum Aspect Ratio” setting. Set this to 0 to disable the setting and it appears to fix the issue.