Is there a collection of Grasshopper files (.gh) that contain commands to load all walls, slabs, columns, etc… directly into Revit using the Rhino.inside tool ? I would be very glad to have your help.
Thank you very much for your help. It would make me very happy. Maybe you can help me with this? Attached is a .zip file with a simple sample object. It is an IFC file from VisualARQ and one from Revit. Do you know why the wall connections in Revit are partially incorrect?
The walls which are not being correctly connected are those where you have performed a solid addition, so IFC exports them as solids tagged as walls, this is why Revit is not connecting them with the other walls.
This is an IFC issue, so there is nothing we can do for now. As a workaround, you could avoid doing the solid addition to the walls and export the solids as independent objects; this way walls would have their connections properly made.
Thank you for your explanation regarding solids and BIM walls. I have tried it briefly. Theoretically, when I model the stuccos in an old building, I will classify them as non-load bearing walls. But they are recognized as walls in Revit. 100x better than modeling in Revit…
The GH definition for importing Revit types is awesome!
My question about this. For me Rhino/Grasshopers only recognizes slabs as import. I have Rhino 7 and import from Revit 2020.
I have been looking at this with Revit 2020. As for doors and windows, this definition requires that every window or door type have an instance created in the Revit file (this will be fixed in future versions of this gh definition).
As for the other objects (roofs, slabs and walls), do you have any other Revit files opened while running the Gh definition? This definition is running with the Revit document you make active, if you change the Revit file, maybe you will need to recompute the Gh definition (you can do this by right-clicking on the Gh canvas and selecting “Recompute”).
I would love to have a Zoom Cal session with you. But my English is not enough for this unfortunately… Also, my computers with Rhino, Revit, etc… are not connected to the Internet (Closed security network). Thanks again for your offer!
Please, let me know if it is working fine and I’ll reupload it to Food4Rhino.
As for doors and windows, I need more information. I need to know which data are you getting from these two components (you can see that by connecting the output of each component to a Panel component). I would also need to know which message is the orange component displaying in the right upper bubble.
You need to create an object of the doors and windows whose type you need to import to Revit. What I mean is that if you need to import the Door type “TU Durchgang”, you will need to create a door with that type in the Revit document and recompute the Gh file afterwards.
I have been working on it to fix these errors, thank you for reporting it. The definition I am sending you now should be working fine; please, let me know if it is working fine with your file.
Thank you very much! Now I can also import the windows and doors (Active) into Rhino/VisualARQ. But I still have one question. Is it normal that VisualARQ walls does not recognize the windows and doors? Is it because they are blocks and not parametric objects?
What do you mean it doesn’t recognize them? Could you send me one example? What the Grasshopper definition is doing is creating VisualARQ styles from blocks, so they should be recognized.
It looks like the door is working fine, is it? I see the problem with the window, could you send me the Revit file with that window so that I can check what is happening? You can send it to if you prefer not to send it here.