Export the objects inside of a block using c#

Not sure if FileIO can write .dwg or .dxf with version 7 @dale → Yes / still No ?

you should - manually by hand - try to figure out, how to export a dwg in the command-line
you can use MacroEditor and check for commandline-Scripting in the help
start with -_export
the file extension will define the file-type.
make sure to handle spaces … something like: "_export "my file with space.dxf" "
create the command in a separate string - for more easy debugging.
string myCommand = “…”;
Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript(myCommand, false); // see your link at the initial post.
hope this can serve as a starting-point.

all the details you will find here - just in vbScript / Rhioscript

but the concept is the same.

kind regards -tom

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