We have a specialist working with AutoCAD 2016 and want to send him some of our closed polysurfaces from Rhino.
When we export as .dwg with the scheme “2004 solids” the volumes can be opened in AutoCAD but they are not editable like other AutoCAD native volumes (for instance the presspull command). Is there any other export option or workaround?
Many solid modeling kernels are not available on Mac OS. I believe AutoCAD uses ACIS.
EDIT, If the kernel is not available when the file is written, the surfaces will not be generated in the format required by the kernal. Solid Modeling functions on the receiving end may be limited.
For better compatibility, access to a PC (or emulator on Mac) with Rhino would be needed, or a PC application in addition to AutoCAD that could convert the Rhino file to a common solid format.