Export polygons with inner rings to geodata using Heron

Hi @Brian_Washburn ! First of all thank you for the plugin!

I am trying to export polygons with inner rings using Heron, but with no success. First, I tried to export ngon meshes (tris don’t work as I can see), but in this case to inner rings are exported at all.
As a second option, I tried to use mesh outlines. I exported a polygon with an inner ring as two polylines in one branch - and it works at least, but in QGIS I failed while converting this to a polygon with a ring inside.
Please, advise. The gh with internalized geometry is attached.
heron2shp.gh (10.5 KB)

Or I have to generate WKT geometry and export a csv using python?

BTW, here is my recent article, it uses Heron under the hood Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Large-Scale Solar Potential Analysis in a 3D CAD Framework as a Use Case of Urban Digital Twins

Hi @evgeny.shirinyan ,
I have been able to fix this. I’ll also be adding a menu toggle to allow you to export closed polylines as polygons (which will work with outer and inner rings as you describe). I’m currently having trouble getting this up to the Package Manager, but will report back here when it’s ready.

Exciting to see Heron cited in your paper! Great work.

Looking forward to installing the update!

My issues with uploading to the Yak servers continue. In the meantime, try this link to a zipped file of Heron v0.4.3-beta.2

I tried to install it and it works as I can see (unblocking gha file helped to install it finally) - never did it before with Package Manager.

However the result for the export is the same, no rings. Maybe I set smth wrong in GH?

For meshes there was no error and no ring, but for the lines the new \Export component became red with an error “1. Solution exception:In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare_v2(SELECT * FROM poly_lines WHERE OGR_GEOMETRY=‘MULTIPOLYGON25D’ OR OGR_GEOMETRY=‘POLYGON25D’):
no such column: OGR_GEOMETRY”. Nevertheless it produced lines but I didnt manage to convert them to polys with rings in QGIS

I think it may be best to uninstall any heron version first in the package manager and then install this temporary version in the components folder.

I spoke too soon in the fix for ngons, but it should work if converted to mesh or if you just use the polylines with appropriate windings (counterclockwise on outer ring, clockwise on inner rings). I’ll need to verify when I get back to a machine next week.


Thank you, Brian, double checked these steps, but no result. Hope you will have a look at it.

Hi @evgeny.shirinyan ,
Can you try this latest beta.3 version? (Still having trouble uploading to the Yak servers)



Hey @Brian_Washburn thank you for your time! just tested the new version, but the results are the same for ngon meshes (getting polygons without holes) and lines with holes (but in qgis the conversion to polygons doesnt produce holes)