Export PDF quality lines broken

Hey there!

I have a model where the outcomes get you a PDF with the Make 2D component.

One of the outcome is the model 4 views with some annotations on it, I’ve used Squid and shapediver export PDF components and when i open the PDF to check the blueprint they’re some lines that are not the right “quality”.

this happen only when i get it through the shapediver components as per before I’ve bake the result in Rhino and export it manually to PDF and it’s all good with the lines.

Am i missing something? anyone have experienced something similar ?

Hi @orlandoes92, do you mean the curves are not “smooth”? That may happen because the “Squid” component converts all curves into polylines, as this plugin was initially developed to deal with bitmaps/pixels, not vectors.


  1. You can improve the quality of the polylines with the input “Accuracy” of the component “Draw” in the “Squid” plugin. Alternatively, you can use the “Curve to Polyline” component before connecting the curves to the “Draw” component.
  2. The “PDF+” plugin, available in the package manager, was released a few years after the “Squid” plugin, and it is already supported by ShapeDiver. This plugin was created from scratch with the goal of creating parametric PDFs. Therefore, it outputs vectors and the original curves that you provide. The principles for using this plugin are similar to those for using the Squid plugin.
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Awesome, Yes i meant smooth, i change the value on Accuracy to 1, and seems to be working well, now working into add an image (bitmap) to finish my PDF.

Thank you!