Export large file from Rhino to .iges format

I keep getting an error while trying to export a model from Rhino to an .iges format.

Error message: Error writing file C:\Users\PPatel\Desktop\export 2_.igs

To see if a particular piece of the model was creating this error, I exported it in sections. This worked, but I am still unable to export it as a whole.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? And suggestions to get a clean output?


Hi Puja-Patel - can you send us the file? Please SaveSmall, Zip, and upload to rhino3d.com/Upload, to my attention.



Hi Pascal,
Sorry for the slow reply. It seems like the link to where I should be
uploading the file is broken.

Hi Puja - try this - https://www.rhino3d.com/upload

does that work? (be sure to Zip the file)

@Puja_Patel - it looks like your file got here OK - I am downloading it how.

Still downloading… that is a large file. IGES will likely be noticeably larger, since it is a text format, so make sure that the target location has the space.

I see the same problem you describe - I’ve sent it on to the developer for a look/



Hi Pascal,

Have you made any headway on figuring out the issues we were having
exporting to .iges?
I’ve cc’d a Rishi Nandi on this chain who is also working on this on our
end. Please contact both or either of us if you have any questions.


Hi Puja - I have not heard back from the developer yet other than he speculates there may be a cap on iges file size, either in Rhino or in the format itself - that was just a question though, I don’t think either of us has seen such a cap. At any rate, he’s still poking at it. I’m not sure we’ve ever encountered the need to export quite such a large file to iges before.

@Puja_Patel - it looks like the format is indeed capped at 10 million lines - that is where the file stops writing. I guess you’ll have to do it in pieces…
