Exponentiation component is broken

Is seems that the exponentiation component is broken:

Exponentiation.ghz (665.2 KB)

That one’s not finished yet. Sorry, I should have hidden the component until it becomes operational.

Oh ok, thanks for the clarification. I helped myself using the Power component from GH1. I also tried the Evaluate Expression component with a text input “pow(x,y)” (like in GH1) but it only works during the first solver run and the second solver run the program freezes and I have to force quit Rhino/GH2.

Well that sounds like a serious bug. I cannot repeat that on Mac OSX, I’ll try again later today on my windows machine.

Maybe the described path to repoduce the bug wasn’t correct. I tried to reproduce the problem but it didn’t work. So I went into the file that I encountered the bug originally in and there it works. I attached that file as well as a crash report file that was created on my desktop. If I open that file the solver gets stuck computing the Evaluate Expresseion component. I hope that helps. Sorry for not attaching these files earlier…

RhinoDotNetCrash.txt (951 Bytes)

Evaluate Expression Bug.ghz (899.0 KB)

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