What’s the best way to create exploded drawing for example for cabinet assembly in Rhino?
I have a multiple details and layouts so it is important that explosion won’t affect them.
Thank you!
What’s the best way to create exploded drawing for example for cabinet assembly in Rhino?
I have a multiple details and layouts so it is important that explosion won’t affect them.
Thank you!
Hi Agnieszka -
You’ll either have to make copies of the objects and place those in different positions, or make images (or Make2D geometry) of the configurations and place those on layouts.
Try explode plugin, but I am not sure if this plugin works with the newest rhino since this plugin is 9 years old
Here is a simplified version of how I do exploded views for various assemblies.
(Edit to add - layer controls can also be used instead of Show/HideinDetail)
Hi Scott,
Thank you for the idea. I used it in my project but I have another problem now. The overlapping details are displayed in rendered mode and there is a opaque background created as a result of overleap. Is there a way to fix it?
Below one of the examples
Hi Agnieszka -
Please post both a 3dm file that we can troubleshoot and the output of the Rhino SystemInfo
Coffe Table - Assignment 001.zip (16.8 MB)
I changed everything to shaded mode, because I couldn’t find the answers, so now I changed it back to rendered mode in Layout 10 that you can have a look. Thank you!
Once you have the file, could you be so kind as to see if there is a way to change the settings so that the lines are not so faint when exported to PDF?
This is how it looks after exporting…quite pale.
Thank you!
Hi -
Thank you for that file. The screenshot that you showed, was that from a Rhino layout, a print preview window, or a resulting PDF?
Also, please post the output of the Rhino SystemInfo
Unfortunately, I don’t have advice for rendered mode, as I’m working in Pen or Shaded 95% of the time.