Just a quick question: Why is explode block so slow?
The result is the same - all the block internal geometries oriented in space.
But explode takes twice as long. Is there some benefit to explode?
We are seeing this as well. If possible can we have systemInfo and your file as a benchmark? Thanks
Hi @Vojtech_Liska,
‘Explode Object’ should be equal or faster than transforming the instances.
An other benefit but does not apply here is that it works with other type of objects like dimensions, hatch, curves, etc…
There is a fix on 8.16, but a sample file from your side would help to confirm we improved your case.
I’m running SR15. If it’s fixed in the new patch, good.
I usually go the more complex route as it allows me to trasform only the objects I need.
My blocks have quite a lot of stuff in them (40+ objects), but not all the contents are required for all the scripts.Instead of exploding each instance, I cherry pick what I need and transform it to correct positions.
Sadly, I can’t give you the file as the project is under NDA. If possible, I will write a post one it’s finished. Grasshopper proved crucial to it.