Expanded baking options in vanilla GH

If it wasn’t convincing I will bring my failed experiment from a couple of minutes ago.
Because it touches Rhino inside Revit and VisualARQ I’ll allow myself to mention @kike and @fsalla.

I wanted to make something nice for me. Everyone who is there for some time knows about the problem with hatched patterns and clipping planes. Actually, hatches were something that convinced me to buy VisualARQ (I told to myself - In case I wouldn’t use any of VA functions, at least I will have nice sections).

So… something nice for me, was to bring Revit geometry and replace it with VA geometry.

By doing so, I was also about to replace Revit materials with prepared VA Styles - this way I would get very nice representation inside Rhino.
Because my Revit file is changing quite a lot I found Elefront’s BakeName a very convenient way to update imported geometry.

And here comes the incompatibilities and surprises I was writing about earlier…
Elefront can’t write Attribute User Text (which as I suppose BakeName solution is based on) to the VA Walls so I can’t use BakeName functionality.

I can explode VA objects and then normal Breps work just fine with BakeName but AFAIK VisualARQ doesn’t have GH components to apply Section Attributes to regular Breps. (Even if it had, still producing native VA Walls with BakeName is impossible)

In conclusion, it’s a real pity when on the same end of the process you find that there is a bottleneck that you can’t go through and many functionalities of Rhino go to waste. Because of that, those bottlenecks should be controlled by McNeel directly so if a problem like that happens, at least I know who to beg to solve it.