Existing list item is not found by various search components

Hello community,
this might be a simple question, but somehow I do not see the wood for the trees: I have a couple of objects in Rhino, that have some attributes stored within attribute-user-text. Since I would like to show these objects in different colours according to one specific attribute key, I am searching for the desired key within the attribute-user-lists to extract the values for each object.
My first attempt was to use “key/value search” (elefront I believe), but it gives the wrong output. There are two keys that are very similar, but not the same and I spelled the one I am looking for exactly as it is. So I thought, that might be the problem since the output seems to result from the similarly-spelled key. (Why it is using that one instead of the one I was looking for? I don’t know ._.)
To avoid that, I tried to use “item index” and afterwards “match text”, but both resulting in -1. Looking at the input lists, the key is definitely there, but still I get no result when searching for it. Do these components have problems when looking for keys with spaces? Am I just missing something really obvious when searching a list?

PS: The warning message at “Explode Tree” only occurs, because the input tree has more than 2 branches, but looking only at the first branch, that hopefully shouldn’t be the issue…

Hey Carina,

I think it has something to do with how you provide the input. It needs to match the given input list.

Bottom is a comparison of two given inputs if you provide a panel with the same text it won’t list the indice. If you take the item using a list item it will provide the indice.

It seems to me that the list-indice block just doesn’t work consisntently in finding a specified key in a list. If I i.e. copy paste the bottom panel it won’t be able to find it → thus outputting -1 (as stated when you hover the output i)

Thanks a million! Member index totally works for me, I didn’t think of that.
I can see, what I have to do to get the desired output, but I still don’t fully understand, why the panel-input doesn’t work.

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