etTMapMeshGeodesic, etMeshGeodesic

In release 2.5.14 of EvoluteTools T.MAP and EvoluteTools PRO - Panel design and optimization we introduced the commands etTMapMeshGeodesic resp. etMeshGeodesic for computing geodesic polylines on meshes. We received some questions regarding snapping for these commands, it works like this:

  • Point or Vertex snapping should be switched on if one wants to snap to mesh vertices.
  • In all other cases a ray from the camera position to the point clicked will be intersected with the mesh, and this point used as start or end location.

Meshes which are not pure triangle meshes will be triangulated in the background before computing geodesic polylines, however the input mesh will stay unchanged.

We were notified about the following bug in etTMapMeshGeodesic resp. etMeshGeodesic, which will be fixed in the next release:
In some cases double vertices occur at the start or end of the resulting polylines.