ETO Webview - browser version?

Hi Guys,

I’ve been looking at using an ETO Webview with HTML form as a user interface for my project - and its looking very good.

I’ve run into one strange point - lack of support in the browser for <input type=“color” html form input.

This is what this form input looks like in Chrome:

But in the Webview:

This is ‘what is my browser’ reports:

Is there a way of asking Webview to use a different browser on launch?



Not sure about your question, but you might want to look at implementing your own browser instead of using WebView, as I believe the current implementation has some limitations.

Look into CefSharp, I believe there’s a nuget package for it.

If you look at the WPF and WinForms implementations, you can probably figure out how to implement it using ETO.

If you do implement it, would you share your code on getting the browser to work inside a rhino panel? I have an interest in this as well.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply.

My end goal here is to replace a HumanUI (WPF/windows only) user interface on a Rhino Plugin written in Grasshopper with something that will function cross platform with MacOS.

Currently it is ONLY the HumanUI components that prevent my plugin running fine in Rhino for Mac.

I’m trying to avoid the steep learning curve of using ETO directly and have made excellent progress so far using ETO to only host a webpage while serving html from grasshopper and getting back GET requests.

I now have GH components for:

Number input
Text input
Text Box
Toggle button
Check box
Open file
Save file
Tabbed view

Plus a set of components for setting up page headers, footers, CSS and Scripts.

These are all written in GH python, keeping in the simple and cross platform theme.

This all works better than I expected!

The only feature I have in my current UI that I’m missing now is colour picker. An html based colour picker would be nice, but I have a couple of options if I can’t have that option.

  • Launch Rhinos built in colour picker from Python. I’ve sort of got a prototype of this working but there seems to be a strange bug I need to track down.

  • Make my own colour picker from a combo of Selection box and text box option for RGB input

I’m not at this stage going to look at my own browser launcher or anything that’s WPF based.



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I understand. The idea was not to implement a WPF or WinForm browser.

If you are not proficient in C#, then my recommendation isn’t what you’re looking for. The concept was to see how the winforms/wpf is done using the CefSharp library which would allow someone to create an ETO Chromium Browser and offer all the benefits of a modern browser.

I’m glad you are getting close to your goal.