Eto forms with TypeConverter

I have a class which has a property ParentGuid:

class Component:
/// ...........................
/// other implementations
/// ...........................

        public Guid ParentGuid
            get { return GetParentGuid(RhinoObject); }
                SetParentGuid(RhinoObject, value);

In the UI I defined a Eto.Forms.PropertyGrid

        private PropertyGrid GeneratePropertyGridView()
            var propertylayout = new PropertyGrid();
            propertylayout.SelectedObjects = MyComponentInstance;
            propertylayout.ShowCategories = false;
            propertylayout.ShowDescription = false;
            return propertylayout;

But with or without TypeConverter, In the property grid doesn’t display the ParentGuid value.

By debugging I found the TypeConverter isn’t even accessed.

Is there any step missing? I could not find any documentation about PropertyGrid or TypeConverter of Eto.Forms. Would be great if you could provide a solution with example.

Thanks in advance!

Environment: Windows 10 Pro 1903, Rhino Version 6 SR20(6.20.19322.20361, 11/18/2019), Eto version