Eto Forms Question Regarding Event Handler


I am trying to construct an event handler for an Eto Form that will work in common with a number of controls. Only problem is determining which control made the call. Any way to determine where the call to the function came from. I can only tell that it is a textbox, checkbox, etc. but I need to know the name of the control as well.

def OnSelectedIndexChanged(self, sender, e):
    type = str(sender)
    if type == "Eto.Forms.Label":
        print('Label Changed')
    if type == "Eto.Forms.TextBox":
        print('TextBox Changed')    
    elif type == "Eto.Forms.CheckBox":
        print('CheckBox Changed') 
    elif type == "Eto.Forms.ComboBox":
        print('ComboBox Changed') 
    elif type == "Eto.Forms.DropDown":
        print('Drop Down Changed')  

Thanks in advance.


Most ETO controls have an ID property that you can populate.

Forgive me but I’m not sure how one would do this? Is this a property that can be accessed through the sender to the handler function?


self.m_combobox = forms.ComboBox()
self.m_combobox.ID = “1”

def OnSelectedIndexChanged(self, sender, e):
type = str(sender)
if type == “Eto.Forms.ComboBox (1)”:
print “Yay, it’s combobox 1”

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Thank you so much Travis. This is perfect.


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